Read more: Eye of Creativity: FEATURED STUDENTS



I would like to thank the many students I have been privileged to work with – sharing information and  the creative experience.
Teaching is certainly a mutually rewarding journey and it’s amazing what we learn from one another.
I intend, however, to feature the older artist (over 90), who, through the artistic process has remained very vital despite chronological age. As the magical journey unfolds, they remain young at heart – allowing the art experience to become very positive and therapeutic.


Molly, was painting until she was “99  years young”. She recently passed away, only one month before her l00th birthday.  She was very prolific, working with tapestry, rug hooking, copper enamel as well as oil painting.  She was very successful achieving many awards for her endeavours.

Photo Cher Art

Photo Cher Art


Frances is celebrating her 92nd birthday, February 20l2. She recently started painting about three years ago and presently enjoys abstract concepts. She has an artistic background working extensively with needlepoint, embroidery and knitting. She is very proud of her family and created the needlepoint family tree featured behind her in the picture.

Photo T. Da Silva

Mary receives an award from the City of Toronto

Photo K. Ewen

Paintings donated to St. Timothy's Church

Photo  L. Doransky


Mary, a 95 year old began her painting career in one of my classes over l0 years ago.She recently completed a commissioned house portrait in oil and has donated a series of religious paintings to her Catholic church.

Photo Cher Art


Margo’s art career began with her first art class at Edwards Gardens where she took a course in watercolour painting. She was bitten by the “art bug” and went on to develop her interest in drawing and painting – mainly working with pastels to portray people.
Since moving to her condominium she has enjoyed her on-location art classes. Margo celebrated her 90th birthday May 27, 20l2.


Al has been working with ceramics and sculpture, as well as drawing and painting for over 27 years.


Cal, a mechanical engineer, only began painting last year and is amazed by his ability.


David recently became interested in oil painting and will rarely miss a class, he enjoys the experience so immensely.

Photos Cher Art