Read more: Eye of Creativity: ART INSTRUCTION


Classroom  Edithvale C.C.  Old Building
Photo K. Ewen

Drawing in the park Edwards Gardens
Photo K. Ewen

As a drawing and painting instructor, Cheryl reveals secrets to unlock creativity and access left and right brain concepts to develop the “artist within”. 
Drawing theory as well as special right brain exercises, are introduced to the student.  The healing, therapeutic power of art is amazing, and the novice learns to see with depth and insight!
Outdoor sketching adds another dimension and the direct experience of nature is most rewarding and inspirational!
…LEARN TO SEE…from your perception.
 Henri Matisse once said, “It would be a mistake to ascribe creative power to an inborn talent.  The artist begins with a vision and the work is the outcome


Drawing concepts are fundamental to painting

The Thinking Eye

Techniques and materials are the vocabulary of drawing and painting. Imagination needs encouragement and nourishment. Art classes are helpful! They should convey information allocated to ideas.The real creativity should unfold as personal vision is discovered.

SKETCHING – “The all seeing eye”

Once you’ve ventured down the path to seeing like an artist, sketching is such a pleasure! Sketching is so alive and vital.  The sketchbook often catches elusive, essential truths that may be buried under paint and planning with a finished painting.   Intellectual learning and reading about art and techniques has to be integrated and engaged.  Sketching involves eye, hand and brain – it involves the whole self.
The right brain sees holistically and grasps relationships between parts.  The intuition is engaged.  Rules don’t necessarily apply. However, the left brain is good at assembling the linear information.  Engage the logic to assist and allow the “creative function”.  Without the creative input art would just be computer generated.
Creative exercises are excellent warm ups and a good in depth study. I would recommend Betty Edward’s book, "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain".
Memory, gesture and blind contour drawing as well as direct observation are all excellent exercises to engage the “right”.

Photos K. Ewen

Portrait Workshop (Oakville)
The ascendance of nonrepresentational art in the 20th century displaced solid instruction in art technique. Luminous colour and subtle effects necessary for classical portraiture will challenge and fine tune the developing artist. Just as drawing skill will develop left brain ability, principles of composition, anatomy study, and key relationships in portraiture dynamics are all most important to balance right and left brain creative function.

Photos Cher Art

Drawing in Colour (Oakville Art Society)
In this class colour theory is featured along with drawing principles. Coloured pencil technique is introduced.

Photos Cher Art